Graduated in Law at La Sapienza University of Rome in 1989 with Prof. Fausto Coppi As a lawyer, I have had numerous work experiences in Italy as an associate and abroad.
In particular since 2000 at Philippe & Partners Law Firm in Brussels, specialising in EU research, studies and litigation.
Since 2011, I have been a business partner of European-American Business Organisation, Inc. in New York.
Since 2014 Consultant Partner of S.I.B. Consulting , Singapore.
Since 2016 Business Partner of Yijian Investments, Hong Kong.
I have produced the following publications in the legal journal “La Funzione amministrativa”: 1) “Servitù atipiche e ordine pubblico” 2) “Scriminanti tacite con particolare riferimento alle informazioni commerciali” 3) “Proprietà temporanea e proprietà turnaria: compatibilità con l’usucapione”
In 2005 I founded the law firm PATERNOSTRO- BOZZO-ZANATTA in Treviso with lawyer Alberto Bozzo.
Subjects covered: international contracts, corporate acquisitions by foreign entities, EU litigation.
Case law – Università la Sapienza di Roma – 1989
Business strategies
Administrative and customs procedures